My name is Agamemnon Myrianthopoulos and I live in Cyprus. I am a qualified physiotherapist, acupuncturist ,QiGong – Fire of life practitioner and SCENAR therapist which is Self-Controlling-Energy-Neuro-Adaptive-Regulator. In 2015 I completed my studies in Greece, since then I worked at a physiotherapy center addressing various musculoskeletal and neurological cases.
At the festival I plan to offer a QiGong Workshop and create a nice Qi-field full of love and light.
▸Zhineng QIGONG – Fire of life
Is an integrated system of health, wellbeing and personal development. As a result, great balance of body, mind and spirit. Qigong doesn’t require physical strength or flexibility. Qigong aim is to enhance the healing ability by releasing the flow of energy-Qi-Chi through meridians in our body and our internal organs, facilitating deep relaxation, improves body’s functions and natural self-healing process. The term Qigong is made up of two words: Qi (meaning life energy/Chi) and gong (meaning work or cultivation). The approach explores body and Qi awareness as a way to deepen into our internal Qi flow
through slow movement, stillness, meditation and breath. My aim is to enhance the healing ability of the individual, so he/she can continue healing and enjoy the human journey that is called life.