Nina Plavnik

Holistic Therapist


Tarot & Flower Essence with Nina

Nina Plavnik is a priestess, witch, a spiritual mentor and educator that works with people in remembering they are sovereign leaders in their lives. She helps you to create an expansive life based on your values and what gives YOU joy. She does this by inviting all parts of you to the table and unlocking the outdated patterns as well as traumas that have you believing your life is not your own. Two of her most beloved tools are Tarot & Flower Essences; which she will be bringing to this year’s festival!

Tarot is a 78 card system that helps you tap into the unseen realm as well as the subconscious to uncover what is or isn’t serving you and gives you a clear pathway in how to take the driver’s seat in your own life.

Flower Essences are a vibrational plant medicine derived from living plants. They help you shift subconscious belief systems and trauma often stemming from childhood by working on your more subtle bodies. However they can additionally be used for manifestation, getting clearer on your desires and so much more!

Tarot Reading – 1hr – 85€
Flower Essence Healing – 1hr – 100€
Tarot & Flower Essence Combo – 1hr30mins – 150€

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